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Best Hot Tub

Choose the Best Hot Tub for You

Posted 12/12/2016

Choosing a hot tub is a very individualized decision. You want to pick a hot tub that is the right fit for your lifestyle, but with so many options available, it can be overwhelming. Below, you'll learn which factors you should consider to make sure you pick the best hot tub for you.

Choose a Location

Although many people immediately go to the dealer after deciding to purchase a hot tub, the best first step is to choose a location. Decide whether you want your hot tub to be installed indoors, outdoors, on your deck or patio, or in your yard. If you determine the location first, you'll narrow your options, save yourself time, and avoid disappointment later if the hot tub you love won't fit.

Consider the Size

A hot tub is an excellent place to bring friends and family together, so choosing the right size is crucial. You'll want to choose a model that is large enough to accommodate the number of bathers you'll frequently have. When considering size, don't forget that although small children may not spend much time in the hot tub now, they will in the future.

There are a variety of hot tubs in sizes that can hold three to ten people comfortably. When you visit the dealer, ask for a "wet test" where you can try out the hot tub when it's full. Make sure the seats are large enough for your guests, comfortable, and that the foot well does not feel crowded.

Pay Attention to Quality

The value of a high-quality hot tub cannot be underestimated. Although quality hot tubs may cost more, they are worth the investment as they will last longer, provide easier maintenance, and give you better access to quality service. Choose a reputable dealer that has been in business for many years and that has received good customer reviews. Ask about warranties and whether the dealer will willingly and easily provide maintenance and repairs. Finally, make sure to choose an energy-efficient model with high-quality components that will last far into the future.

Choose Less Maintenance

Maintaining a hot tub can be time consuming and difficult. The best hot tubs, such as those manufactured by Hydropool, offer maintenance features that are designed to make your life easier. Hydropool offers the world's only self-cleaning technology, which means you will never have to skim or vacuum because your hot tub will do it for you. When you have less maintenance to deal with, you'll have more time to enjoy with your loved ones.

Invest in Massage Options

Most people purchase a hot tub because it is a great place to relax and de-stress. To achieve maximum relaxation, the massage capabilities are extremely important. Remember that just because a hot tub has many jets, this does not necessarily mean that it will provide you with an ideal massage.

Look for a model with custom massage options designed to give you a personalized massage on any area of your body. For example, Hydropool's "zone" system lets users move from seat to seat while getting a complete therapeutic massage.

Their system also has the capability to focus on massaging problem areas like your back or neck. It can even deliver a massage that will help you sleep or energize your body.

Now that you know what to look for in a hot tub, you can start your quest for the right model for you. To learn more, download our hot tub buyer’s guide and checklist.

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  • Jenna Hunter said:
    3/13/2017 6:44 PM

    This summer we are wanting to install a hot tub just for my husband and me. I was intrigued to know that there are a variety of hot tubs in sizes that can hold three to ten people comfortably. We will be sure to talk to an expert about getting the right size for our needs!



About Hydropool Hot Tubs Inc.

Headquartered in Mississauga, Canada, Hydropool Hot Tubs Inc. originated in 1970 as a commercial swimming pool company and in 1978 became one of the first hot tub retailers in North America. Our products are now sold through a 250+ retailer network in over 40 countries.

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