Knowing Which Questions to Ask Before Buying a Hot Tub or Spa
If you're getting ready to invest in a hot tub, you may have recently found yourself frequently asking: which hot tub should I buy? In addition to this, there are many other questions to ask that will help you choose the right hot tub for you.
Below you'll learn the top questions you should ask before you invest.
Cost Questions
Finding out how much a hot tub will cost is essential, but not because you want to choose the cheapest one. A high-quality hot tub that can accommodate three to seven people will cost at least $7000, but there are other costs as well. Installation, building a gravel or concrete base, installing electrical hookups, and electricity costs should all be taken into account before you buy.
Investing in an energy efficient hot tub that can reuse lost heat from the motor and hold in heat with an advanced cover will help you save big on electricity.
Component Questions
There are many components to a hot tub, and it's important to know at least a bit about them before you visit a dealer. First, you'll want to look for a hot tub that is made of high-quality materials like fiberglass-backed acrylic as opposed to plastic.
Another important thing to consider is the pump horsepower, which should be approximately one horsepower per 5-8 jets. If you sit in the hot tub and the jets don't feel powerful enough, make sure to ask for a higher horsepower option to try.
Warranty and Service Questions
The warranty that comes with your hot tub is extremely important. Look for a full warrant as opposed to a pro-rated one which will require you to pay for some of the repairs. Find out if the warranty will cover parts, labor, and home visits. The pump, heater, and other key interior components should have at least a three-year warranty. Regarding service, it will be much faster and easier if it occurs in-house.
Maintenance Questions
Depending on how much maintenance you're comfortable with, a variety of maintenance options may be right for you. Ask which maintenance tasks will be involved and determine which of those you are comfortable doing yourself. If you want to spend less time maintaining your hot tub, consider a self-cleaning model that will vacuum and filter for you. If you need assistance, ask what kinds of maintenance packages the dealer offers.
We hope we've done a comprehensive job of answering the most common questions you have about hot tubs. Now that you know what to ask when choosing a hot tub, download our buyer's guide to see the many options available.