The Ins and Outs of Energy Efficient Hot Tubs
Operating costs are among the biggest concerns of people who are considering buying a hot tub, but it can be hard to know what features and options to look for to ensure that your hot tub is energy efficient.
Below you'll find out more about how to find an energy efficient hot tub that will help you save.
The Basics of Low Impact Hot Tubs
Hot tubs that are energy efficient have many things in common. Quality hard covers that can lock in heat, systems that can reuse heat from the motor, and advanced insulation are just a few things to look for. Eco settings that allow you to adjust how much energy is used at different times can also be extremely helpful.
Choosing Efficient Components
The pump, filter, and heater are the components that use the most energy and an eco hot tub will utilized the most advanced technology possible to maximize these parts for efficiency.
Choosing a hot tub that is CEC approved will ensure that it is among the most energy efficient models available, so always ask your salesperson about this designation. Beyond this, choosing a hot tub with two pumps, as opposed to a two-speed pump, can help you save. These hot tubs use one low wattage pump to circulate water and a second pump for the jets. This means you can choose when you want to use the jet system and save substantial energy. Two-speed pumps are constantly running, which will increase your energy bills.
Heat and Insulation
The heating system can use a lot of energy, but choosing a hot tub with an economy mode setting can help offset these costs. These settings allow you to reduce the temperature of the hot tub when you're not using it so you aren't wasting energy. Programmable thermostats are also useful. In addition, look for hot tubs with heat-locking technology that reuse heat from the motor to heat the water.
Insulation is another important energy saver. Look for advanced, high density insulation that will keep heat in. Also make sure to choose a hot tub that is fully, rather than partially, insulated. Sealed, locking covers will also prevent heat from escaping.
Maintenance and Location
Maintaining your hot tub is one of the best ways to keep it as energy efficient as possible. Make sure to clean your filters frequently to reduce the burden on the pump. If you install your hot tub outdoors, especially in cooler climates, locating it in a gazebo or other building will make it more efficient.
Now that you've learned a few tips and tricks for finding an energy efficient hot tub, download our buyer's guide to see our wide range of energy efficient models.