Tips for Creating an Incredible Gazebo
Gazebos are both eye-pleasing and functional and can truly transform your outdoor area. They're especially perfect structures to use in conjunction with a hot tub.
Below you'll find out about the benefits of gazebos and how to create the ideal gazebo space for your hot tub.
The Benefits of a Gazebo
Gazebos and other types of enclosures have a variety of benefits. They can increase the level of privacy in your hot tub area, provide guests with additional seating, be a great place to store towels and other belongings, protect you from rain and sun, and even make your home more valuable.
Even as they protect you, gazebos provide a wide open view of your surroundings, so they offer an ideal combination of seclusion and openness.
Unique Gazebo Designs
While gazebos seem straightforward, there are many variations you can add to make yours more unique. Adding glass paneling to fully protect you from weather, elevating the gazebo to make it a focal point of your outdoor area, or using festive or relaxing lighting can all give the space more personality. Gazebos are also great places to install outdoor speakers and sound systems.
When installing your hot tub, make sure the filters and internal components can be accessed during maintenance and repairs.
Size Considerations
Although you want your gazebo to blend in with its surroundings and the style of your home, you also want to have enough room. Larger is usually better because you will be able to use the structure for a wider range of purposes, especially if you have guests over frequently.
Landscaping Ideas
One of the top considerations you should make when deciding where to put your gazebo is the time of day you'll use it. For example, if you'll use it during the afternoon, installing it closer to the center of your yard will provide more shade. Make sure to consider the view as well: both what the gazebo looks like from your home and how the rest of your outdoor space looks from the gazebo.
Adding stone or brick walkways can make it easier and safer to approach the gazebo and including plants, bushes, and fountains in the area can create an even more aesthetically pleasing space.
In some areas, you may need a building permit to add a gazebo, so you'll want to find out from your neighborhood association if this is the case.
We hope these gazebo ideas have given you inspiration to create a functional and beautiful area around your hot tub. To find the perfect hot tub for your gazebo, download our buyer's guide.