Keeping Your Hot Tub in Top Condition
The excitement of buying a new hot tub makes it easy to stay motivated and keep up with maintenance, but as time goes on, it's easy to let it slip. Unfortunately, this can cause your hot tub's components to wear out more quickly than you'd like.
Below, you'll learn easy tips for keeping your hot tub perfectly maintained so you can keep it in the best possible condition for years to come.
Schedule Your Maintenance Tasks
The best way to keep up with maintaining your hot tub is to make a schedule. Start by making a list of all the maintenance tasks you perform and note how frequently your dealer recommends performing them.
Next, make a monthly schedule so you know when to do what. This will help you spread out your maintenance activities over time so you don't feel overwhelmed. Remember that depending on whether you use your hot tub frequently or infrequently, you may need to adjust how often you complete each task.
Important Maintenance Activities
While all recommended maintenance tasks are important, there are several products you can use to tackle issues that can cause major problems for your hot tub.
First, make sure to perform a weekly chlorine or bromine shock. If you notice a lot of foam during this process, try a foam reducer.
If you have hard water with high levels of minerals, it's extremely important to use a product that will prevent scaling. Scaling can cause serious damage to pumps and hoses and make tile look grungy. By using this kind of product, your hot tub components will last longer and your hot tub area will be more aesthetically pleasing. Even if you don't have scaling problems, applying a de-scaler once or twice a year will keep any residue from accumulating over the years.
Finally, make sure to clean your hot tub at least three times per year according to your owner's manual instructions.
Making Your Water More Appealing
Keeping the hot tub water clean and clear is a top priority for many users. One simple trick that will drastically reduce maintenance while keeping your water healthy is to install your hot tub in a location that isn't near trees or roads, since these areas can cause a lot of debris to accumulate in the water.
In addition, test your pH every day and keep the water balanced. If you notice an imbalance, adjust your chemicals immediately. This will reduce scale accumulation and prevent serious future pH problems that can be costly. It will also create a lot less work for you in the future!
Body oils can also cause trouble for your water clarity and can even damage your hot tub's components. Asking your guests to shower before they use the hot tub is a great way to prevent unwanted oils, including beauty products and lotions, from entering your hot tub.
One of the best ways to keep your water clean at all times is to rinse out your filter in warm water once each week in addition to cleaning it monthly with a filter cleaning product.
Finally, changing your water is the top way to resolve any water problems that result from heavy use. Change it every three months to keep your water clean and sparkling!
Seek Out a Professional
Whether you're running low on time or are encountering a hot tub problem, your dealer can help by providing you with an expert who can keep your water well maintained and solve any equipment issues.
Regular professional maintenance will also keep your hot tub running strong for longer. If you struggle to keep your hot tub clean, a professional can give you tips for how to better maintain it. They can also provide individualized recommendations for products and accessories that will make maintenance easier.
Professionals also offer service plans that can help you keep up on maintenance. From proper filter cleaning to pipe flushing and component adjustment, they can take care of any and everything you need. This is especially useful for tasks that are difficult to do on your own like cleaning strainer baskets, shells, jets, and water lines. They can even adjust your jets to enhance your hot tub's massage capabilities!
At least once a year, call a professional to have your hot tub cleaned and inspected.
Now that you have some new ideas for how to keep your hot tub in superior condition now and in the future, learn more about maintenance by clicking here to download our hot tub buyer's guide.