How Hot Tub Heaters Work?
Many individuals can agree that the benefits of having a hot tub at home are fantastic. Hot tubs permit more than just relaxation. The hum and warmth of the tub offer a comforting feeling packed with a variety of wellness benefits. Also, the main advantage of having a hot tub at home enables you to enjoy this luxury at your convenience.
A hot tub, or spa as it is also referred to interchangeably, is built to accommodate a few people. As it is usually installed outdoors, many people find it pleasurable to have a soak and unwind either with a group of people or alone. It provides a wonderful outlet for people that enjoy getting together, the opportunity to relax and enjoy one another’s company.
If you own a hot tub, you know that despite its advantages, there are also problems that can arise. These issues usually pertain to filters, ill-working jets, heater failure and many other problems. However, if you are experiencing difficulties with your hot tub heater, and you are wondering how your hot tub heater works, continue reading below for a complete breakdown of its functions.
Exterior Components - Shell & Cabinet
There are a few hot tubs on the market that rely on tanks to store water. However, a majority of the hot tubs that are for sale, are tankless as these have proven to be the most resourceful. A hot tub typically consists of two parts known as its shell and cabinet. The shell refers to its exterior, and the cabinet houses a system of tubes, heaters, and pumps. It is here that hot water is produced.
Electrical Resistance Heaters, Pumps & Jets
Electrical resistance heaters are fundamental to hot tubs. These elements are responsible for generating heat. Pressure pumps are responsible for pushing water through the assembly housing. As water makes its way through the heater assembly, it is heated by an element coil. Heaters are responsible for converting energy into heated water.
It is important to note that scale buildup can cause the hot tub heater to perform defectively. Scale reduces the heater’s generation of heat, which can cause malfunctions over time.
To disperse the warm water into the hot tub, the heated water is directed to a distribution box. Here, it makes contact with various jets where it is forcefully pushed through small nozzles. This is the cycle that continues and contributes to your comfort in your hot tub.
Issues that Can Arise With Hot Tub Heaters
The primary function of a hot tub is to produce heated water. Many issues can contribute to the deficiency of your hot tub and prevent it from performing its primary function successfully. The last thing anyone wants is to soak in a cold, hot tub. If your spa isn’t performing as it should, consider the problems mentioned below, that could be plaguing your hot tub heater.
Dirty filters, clogged pumps, scale, corrosion and even the simplest thing as a loose hot tub cover can affect how well your hot tub generates heat and performs overall. Much like a swimming pool, a hot tub relies on clean filters, pumps and other components to function correctly. When these are affected, your hot tub will not operate effectively.
Loose wires can also play a role in the malfunctioning of your hot tub. It is important that cables are connected securely to avoid faulty performance. Similarly, chewed or melted wires can also affect how your hot tub performs.
Hot tub heaters serve a central purpose. So, it is very important that they are maintained and adhered to consistently. If not, you risk the chance of causing permanent damage to your hot tub.
To learn more about the many hot tub models we have available download a hot tub buyer’s guide.