Why Is My Hot Tub Water Green?
Almost everyone enjoys soaking in a hot tub and when they do the expectation is that the water will be clean and clear. However, hot tub water that is anything else but transparent is an indication that something is wrong. Actions must be taken to ensure that the water is sanitary before anyone can enjoy a soak.
If you notice that the color of your water is green, this should raise some concern. This could be a sign of a chemical imbalance in the water. Typically, temperature, pH levels, and other elements must be on par to ensure that you enjoy a healthy and relaxing soak in your hot tub.
Reasons Why Your Hot Tub Water is Green
Regular Use
Frequent use of your hot tub can cause the water to turn green. In most situations, it is the lack of chlorine in the water that can contribute to its altered hue. Consider adding a bit more chlorine than usual. Also, keep your filters clean and add the appropriate chemicals, cleaners or solutions to your hot tub water. Performing this action will reduce such occurrences.
The presence of photosynthetic organisms, such as algae in your water can also change the color of your water. If algae is the cause, it is typically accompanied by slime and a dark green appearance. This occurrence is usually rare as hot tubs are covered when not in use. However, they can present themselves through improper filtration, lack of sanitizer in the water, and other causes.
To get rid of algae, draining and refilling the hot tub is a solution. This is the best option. However, before refilling, filters must be cleaned, and the interior of the hot tub must be wiped down to remove the remaining algae. If done correctly, clear water should be the result.
Another action that can be performed is adding more chlorine, sanitizer or other cleaning solutions to your hot tub water. However, balance is key and adding additional solutions can affect this requirement.
Presence of Minerals
Aside from algae, the presence of minerals in the water can cause the water to turn green. This change in color is not accompanied by slime but just the alteration in color. The introduction of minerals such as iron, manganese or copper, can be the result of the green appearance of your hot tub water.
Copper can be introduced into the water from copper pipes or heat exchangers and natural well water. It is also possible for central water to be the carrier of these minerals. Additionally, the corrosion of pool equipment or pipes can also play a role in the presence of these minerals in your hot tub water.
Manganese offers discoloration as well, but it is not usually green. A black, brown or purple hue is an indication that this mineral is in your hot tub water. However, to solve the presence of any metals, cleaning your filter, or performing the action of shocking is also a way to ride your hot tub of these elements.
Why Maintaining Your Hot Tub Is Imperative
To ensure that you receive the best experience for your tub, it is crucial that you keep it clean and pay attention to any obscurities in the water. Maintaining your hot tub eliminates the potential for bacteria growth, clogged systems, dirty filters, unclear water, and a variety of other unsanitary conditions that can harm the cleanliness of your hot tub.
Keep your hot tub covered when not in use. Also, consider shocking or cleaning your hot tub and its filters regularly. This will ensure that your hot tub is sterile and always prepared to offer a clean and relaxing experience.
To learn more about the many features and benefits of our hot tubs, download a hot tub buyer’s guide.