Can Hot Tubs Be Installed Indoors?
If you have ever wondered if hot tubs can be installed indoors, the answer is that, yes, they sure can. Indoor hot tub installations are a bit more complicated than setting up an outdoor hot tub, but this just means that a bit of planning and consideration of a few factors is needed. Indoor hot tubs do have many advantages including complete privacy, a controlled climate, and ease of year-round use.
If you are thinking that an indoor hot tub may be the right option for your needs and lifestyle, keep reading below to learn the most important things to consider before installing an indoor hot tub.
# 1 Space
Have you ever experienced the frustration of trying to move a large piece of furniture such as a sofa or mattress into a new room or home and discovered that no matter what, it just won’t fit? Make sure that you don’t make that mistake with your hot tub! Before buying a hot tub, be sure to triple measure and make sure that you will be able to get it into your home and the location where you want it installed. Aside from getting it in your home, be sure to also factor in enough surrounding space so that people can move freely around the hot tub, get in and out easily and possibly have some furniture surrounding it to relax in before or after a soak.
#2 Ventilation
Proper ventilation is such an important factor for indoor hot tubs due to the warm, moist air created by the hot tub’s water. It is important to choose ventilation fans that are resistant to rust and are virtually silent - after all, hot tubs are made for relaxing! Your best option is to work with an HVAC contractor as they can recommend an efficient ventilation system that will prevent mould, mildew and excessive humidity from forming in your hot tub space.
#3 Source of Water
Your water source is another important factor for indoor hot tub installations. While most hot tubs cycle water through a self-contained plumbing system, the hot tub still needs to be filled up, topped up and occasionally drained and refilled. The last thing you want to be doing is dragging buckets upon buckets of water from your kitchen or bathroom. Make sure your hot tub space has a faucet with an attachable water hose that can be easily accessed to fill and maintain your water level.
#4 Flooring
The flooring surrounding your hot tub needs to be able to handle not only minor splashes but possible puddles of water and spills. Certain flooring materials just do not cut it when it comes to being able to handle moisture. Absolute no-no’s are carpet and AstroTurf as they will quickly get ruined and rot. Wood flooring can also be a bad choice as it can become quite slippery when wet. Make sure to choose slip-resistant flooring materials that provide traction while allowing water to easily drain.
#5 Drainage
Speaking of drainage, it is important to plan for the inevitable water splashes and spills. Installing a floor drain will save yourself a lot of hassle when it comes to puddles or pooling water. A floor drain will also make cleaning the room a much simpler process.
Now that you know what you need to consider when it comes to indoor hot tub installation, download a hot tub buyer’s guide to learn more about our models.