Why Does My Hot Tub Go Cloudy?
Why does my hot tub water go cloudy? This is one of the most common questions coming out of the mouths of hot tub owners. And it’s a legitimate question. Cloudy hot tub water can signal a wide variety of problems. Attending to the symptoms of cloudy water can make your hot tub experience much safer and more enjoyable. In this article, we’ll go over some things to look at if you find your water doesn’t look quite right.
Are You Showering Before Bathing?
Our body’s natural oils along with all the soaps, cosmetics, and other body products we use conspire to make our hot tub water cloudy. They can neutralize sanitizers, plug up the water filters and discolour the water. Taking a shower before getting into your hot tub can play a big role in keeping your water clear and fresh.
Are Your Water Filters Working Correctly?
The water filters of your hot tub aren’t designed to last forever. Incorrectly fitted, damaged or plugged filters are one of the most common reasons your hot tub water has gone cloudy. Ensure your filters are properly installed and clean them with a garden hose on a regular basis. You should replace them every couple of years or if they start to exhibit symptoms of wear and tear.
Is Your Water Chemistry Balanced?
Keeping your water chemistry balanced plays a very important role in keeping your water clear. If your calcium hardness or total alkalinity levels are too high solids will begin to precipitate out into the water and make it appear cloudy. Consequently, if your pH level is too high or too low you may find it hard to control the total alkalinity or calcium hardness levels, so you need to make sure everything is in balance.
Is Your Water Pump Functioning Properly?
If your water pump isn’t functioning properly or running long enough during the day you may begin to experience cloudy water in your hot tub. You should run it at high speed for at least two hours every day. If it gets clogged with hair, pebbles or other foreign objects the volume of water running through the pump may not be sufficient. If you find your water pump isn’t running properly for whatever reason, you’ll need to get it fixed before your cloudy water problems subside.
Are Your Sanitizer Levels High Enough?
Some people try to use as little sanitizer as possible. Part of the reason may be that they find it harsh on the skin, eyes or nose. But if the sanitizer levels get too low organic compounds will be allowed to proliferate and they will definitely affect the clarity of your water. Keep an eye on your sanitizer levels especially if your hot tub is getting more use than normal. Shock your hot tub water regularly to keep organic growth to a minimum.
Is Your Local Water Cloudy?
If you fill your hot tub with cloudy water how can you expect it to be clear? That said, even if your local water source is cloudy, with the right chemical balance and proper amounts of sanitizer the water should correct itself after a few days. If it doesn’t you might need to look into clarifiers to get rid of the particles that cause the water to appear murky. You could also filter the fill water with an attachment for your garden hose that will capture any impurities.
Is Excess Air Getting into Your System?
Sometimes water appears cloudy not because of impurities, but because of an excess of air bubbles. Loose fittings or air leaks on your water pump could be allowing air to get into the water flow. You may also find excess air getting into the system if your water levels are too low. Seal up any areas that might be contributing to an air leak.
To learn more about how to keep your water clean, download a hot tub buyer’s guide.