Guides de l’acheteur

Introduction à l’achat d’un spa

Pourquoi acheter un spa?

Il n’y a aucun doute : le rythme de la vie devient chaque jour de plus en
plus exigeant et effréné. Il vous semble sûrement que vous n’avez jamais le temps de profiter d’un repos bien mérité. Imaginez votre oasis personnel, un endroit où il fait bon se détendre, méditer et passer de bons moments, seul, avec les membres de votre famille ou avec des amis. Assoyez-vous, détendez-vous, laissez l’eau chaude, les jets à pulsion et la flottaison naturelle de l’eau s’allier pour libérer votre corps de toute la tension accumulée, comme par magie.

À l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur, un spa autonettoyant Hydropool vous permet de vous créer plus de temps pour ce qui compte le plus. Dans un coin accueillant de votre domicile, une pièce quatre-saisons, sur la terrasse ou dans la cour arrière, un spa autonettoyant Hydropool vous permettra de vous rapprocher de vos êtres chers et de vos amis.
Depuis l’Antiquité, nous avons profité du pouvoir de guérison de l’eau pour améliorer notre santé et atténuer nos douleurs. Avec les styles de vie d’aujourd’hui, les thérapies aquatiques prennent encore plus d’importance, en nous offrons une méthode naturelle et efficace par laquelle nous détendre et réduire notre stress. Hydropool se démarque des autres fabricants de spas - notre engagement envers l’innovation et l’amélioration continue nous habilite à créer les meilleurs produits de l’industrie.


Imaginez commencer vos journées en passant quelques minutes, chaque matin, dans votre propre spa autonettoyant Hydropool. Votre circulation sanguine s’améliorera, vos muscles seront plus détendus et moins douloureux, et votre humeur s’en trouvera rehaussée en général. Ainsi, vous serez toujours prêt(e) à affronter une journée affairée au travail, une session d’entraînement rigoureuse au gymnase ou une divertissante partie de golf au club.


Lorsque vous faites place à la détente, la vie devient plus agréable. Il devient plus facile de converser, de partager de bons moments, de sourire et de rire. Vous aurez toujours hâte d’utiliser votre spa. De plus, un spa autonettoyant Hydropool est incontournable pour le divertissement ! Vos invités garderont de bons souvenirs des moments passés avec vous dans votre spa.


La chaleur de votre spa autonettoyant Hydropool rend les tissus de votre corps plus souples, ce qui est avantageux pour les gens qui souffrent de symptômes d’arthrite. Des médecins affirment aux personnes souffrant d’arthrite que le fait de se détendre dans de l’eau chaude plusieurs fois par jour aide à détendre les muscles et à favoriser un sommeil réparateur. Des gens souffrant de migraines affirment en outre que le soulagement du stress et de la tension musculaire procuré par l’utilisation d’un spa réduit la fréquence et la gravité des maux de tête.


La chaleur, la circulation sanguine rehaussée, le soulagement de la tension et l’élimination plus rapide de l’acide lactique favorisent la détente et la tranquillité, pour vous aider à mieux dormir.


Nos spas vous offrent un sentiment de confort inégalé. Avec leur design ergonomique et leurs thérapies personnalisées, il est facile de concevoir votre expérience de spa selon vos besoins spécifiques.

Voici quelques-unes des caractéristiques les plus appréciées de nos spas :

- Spas autonettoyants qui nettoient 100% de l’eau dans le spa toutes les 15 minutes.  
- Sièges de thérapie X-trêmes totalement ajustables qui offrent la massothérapie du corps entier.
- Les spas Sérénité comportent une variété de sièges et de chaises longues, avec bassins de pieds extralarges pour assurer le confort de tous les baigneurs.
- Jets de massothérapie Versa qui s’ajustent d’un doux massage jusqu’à des pulsations vigoureuses pour soulager les douleurs musculaires.
- Un bouclier thermique double qui répond aux strictes normes de la California Energy Commission, ce qui place nos spas parmi les spas les plus écoénergétiques au monde.
- Nos spas sont disponibles dans une grande variété de dimensions. Pour les espaces compacts et les petites familles, nous offrons des spas pour quatre personnes ou moins. Pour les grandes familles ou ceux qui aiment accueillir fréquemment des invités, nous produisons des modèles pouvant accommoder de cinq à dix personnes.
- En plus de ses spas luxueux, Hydropool fabrique des spa de nage, parfaits pour l’entraînement de natation et les autres exercices aquatiques.


Nous œuvrons pour devenir le principal fabricant de spas et spa de nage du monde. Afin d’atteindre un tel objectif, nous devons nous attendre à la meilleure performance possible de toute notre équipe. Chacun de nos employés est dévoué à notre réussite. En tant qu’entreprise, nous les récompensons pour leurs idées innovantes et pensées créatives. Nous prenons en compte les commentaires de nos membres et de nos clients, afin qu’ils puissent continuer à exceller dans leur travail. Nos détaillants sont formés similairement pour pouvoir identifier vos besoins et vous aider à sélectionner le meilleur produit selon votre style de vie et votre budget.

Afin de mieux comprendre la pleine gamme de produits que nous offrons, veuillez nous contacter pour recevoir une brochure ou une vidéo gratuite. Les spas Hydropool sont vendus par un réseau de plus de 250 détaillants partout dans le monde. Veuillez consulter notre Localisateur de détaillant pour trouver un magasin près de chez vous.

Guide pour acheter le spa qui vous convient

For centuries, people have flocked to hot springs to take advantage of the "curative" properties of bathing in hot water. Today, people around the world continue to agree that nothing seems to soothe the aches and pains of a hard day's work like a hot soak.

While natural hot springs are tough to find, modern homeowners can easily bring this experience to their backyards with a hot tub. Buying one, however, can be overwhelming given the number of styles and added features available on the market today.

As with many major purchases, perhaps the best way to approach buying a hot tub is to put together a checklist of the specifications and features you want and then rate the hot tubs you see accordingly. Being prepared will help you avoid getting caught up in "deal of the day" promotions (one of the worst things you can do as a customer) or feel pressured into making a purchase before you're ready. If you do your homework, you can ensure you'll buy the hot tub that best suits your needs.

Five keys to choosing a hot tub

The first rule of hot tub shopping is not to get fooled by the bells and whistles designed to distract you. As a consumer, there are five basic things you should look for when buying a hot tub:

  • Comfort and design
  • Reputation
  • Insulation
  • Massage capabilities
  • Ease of maintenance

To keep these five factors top of mind, remember the acronym "CRIME" (as in, it would be a crime if you didn't look into these variables before making your purchase). To find out more about what to look for when buying a hot tub, please download a free copy of our buyer's guide.

Click her to download a buyer's guide

7 erreurs à éviter lors de l'achat d'un spa

Seven Hot Tub Buying Mistakes

(and how to avoid them)

This consumer information report is designed to help educate you about the seven common mistakes every consumer should know when shopping for the "right" hot tub. This free report will arm you with just the right facts and information you need to know to make a smart hot tub purchase.

Avoiding the seven deadly hot tub buying mistakes will help prevent the disappointment and headache that many consumers experience the unnecessary waste of hard-earned money after having made the wrong hot tub decision.

Buying a hot tub is an important decision. It will most likely be the third most expensive thing you buy after your home and car. You want to make sure that you are informed about your options and understand what questions to ask to get the right hot tub for you and your family. Making the wrong decision will result in disappointment, anger, and possibly a lot of cost to you. This report will help give you the information you need to make a smart, informed, hot tub purchase.

To find out more about what to look for when buying a hot tub, please download a free copy of our buyer's guide.

Click here to download a buyer's guide

Guide en vue de la livraison d'un spa

On behalf of everyone at the company, we want to thank you for purchasing a Hydropool hot tub. Recognized for quality worldwide, we are confident that your new hot tub will provide you, your family and friends, with years of enjoyment and hydrotherapy.

Please take the time to carefully read and understand all the safety, installation and operating instructions in this manual before electrically connecting your hot tub and adding water. The following pages contain valuable information that will save you both time and money, especially with the maintenance.

We manufactured our very first hot tub in 1985 and since then we have been dedicated to producing a quality product catering to maximum hydrotherapy, comfort, energy efficiency and ease of operation.

As you become more familiar with the various safety and maintenance features, you will be satisfied that you made the right decision in purchasing a Hydropool hot tub.

Happy hot tubbing...

David Jackson

Owner - Hydropool Hot Tubs

Table of Contents

Hydropool Hot Tub Pre-Delivery Instructions
Pre-Delivery Instructions
Delivery Checklist
On Delivery Day
After Delivery
General Installation Considerations
Choosing the Right Location
Site Preparation
Unloading and Handling Your Hot Tub

GFCI/RCD Application Guide for Hydropool Self-Cleaning Series
Wire Size

Hydropool Hot Tub Pre-Delivery Instructions

Congratulations on your decision to enjoy the finest hot tub available. You are now a member of the family of Hydropool Hot Tub owners.

Pre-Delivery Instructions

Please take the time to read this booklet carefully, as it will provide you with the information you will need to ensure the safe, secure, and timely installation of your new hot tub. The following sections are guidelines on how to prepare for delivery and set-up of your new hot tub. Specifically covered are site selection, delivery access, ground preparation, and electrical requirements.

Remember to carefully review the Owner’s Manual that accompanies your hot tub, and to register the hot tub's warranty within 10 days of delivery. These items, along with other valuable information, will be found in the Owner’s Package which has been placed in the envelope taped to the outside of your hot tub, where you will also find its serial number the number is also located on the bottom right hand corner of the front on your hot tub.

Hydropool Hot Tubs reserves the right to change features, specifications and design without notification and without incurring any obligation.

In most cities and counties, permits will be required for the installation of electrical circuits or the construction of exterior surfaces (decks and gazebos). In addition, some communities have adopted residential barrier codes which may require fencing and/or self-closing gates on the property to prevent unsupervised access to a pool (or hot tub) by children less than 5 years of age.

Your Hydropool Hot Tub is equipped with a locking cover and is usually exempt from most barrier requirements. As a general practice, your local Building Department will inform you of any applicable barrier requirements at the time a permit is obtained for the installation of an electrical circuit. Your Hydropool dealer can provide information on which permits may be required.

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Please ensure the following items have been addressed prior to delivery of your hot tub.

  • Make all necessary measurements and provide clear access to ensure that hot tub/swim spa can be transported to the desired location. Please confirm that you have a minimum clearance width of at least 40 inches and clearance height of at least 132 inches to allow movement of the unit on its side through alley-ways, fence openings, etc.
  • Review on line library of Hydropool YouTube videos to understand delivery and start up information
  • By-law Requirements (If necessary)
  • Decking
  • Support Pad
  • If crane is scheduled to do the delivery please schedule to have two (2) able-bodied assistants available for the set window time for your delivery unless otherwise specified by salesperson/service department.
  • Provide electrical hook-up (including outside electrical disconnect, as per your municipal electrical codes)
  • Ensure proper access to hot tub access panels for potential service

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  • If you have arranged a crane delivery, make sure your two able-bodied assistants are present during the set window time for your delivery.
  • Ensure there are no obstacles in the delivery path e.g. Moonlights, rocks/boulders, gates, lawn furniture, barbeques, plants/bushes, flower pots, etc.
  • Schedule your electrician to be on-site for the electrical hook up. Confirm with your electrician that the "Load Neutral" wire is connected to the GFCI and NOT to the "Neutral Bar". Refer to wiring diagram in welcome package for reference.
  • Have a hose and water supply ready so the tub can be filled after delivery. Do not fill the hot tub or swimspa with water that passes through a water softener.

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  • Test water and add the required balancing chemicals to your water once it has reached a minimum of 75°F – once the hot tub is balanced, add the recommended chemicals to maintain the hot tub( i.e. Sanitizer).
  • Review your owner’s manual, quick start guide and YouTube videos that have been provided to you on delivery. It will help you with the basic functions of your tub (i.e. setting the desired temperature, setting filtration times/cycles, turning on your jets and lights, etc.)
  • Call your retailer to schedule in-store/on-site hot tub tutorial.  Before doing so, please familiarize yourself with the basic functions of your hot tub by using it for at least 1 week.

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  1. Your HYDROPOOL hot tub is a self-contained pre-plumbed unit, so that no on-site plumbing connections to the residential water supply or drain are required.
  2. Ensure that your HYDROPOOL hot tub is properly supported by either a level concrete pad, or a properly constructed deck capable of supporting 1220 kg/m2 (250 lbs./ft.2). If there is a possibility that the pad could shift by freezing/thawing ground movement (such as in clay regions, and/or areas with high water tables) concrete footings extending below the frost line are recommended.
  3. Decking should be chosen and constructed in a manner that minimizes the chance of slipping or falling.
  4. If you do not have a factory installed insulated cabinet, it is assumed that you are building your own custom cabinet, tiling or decking. Please consider the following:
    • Your HYDROPOOL hot tub is self-supporting on its base. The cabinet should be decorative only, not for support. Never suspend the hot tub from the deck or cabinet.
    • Where the hot tub is not equipped with a factory installed cabinet, it is the installer’s responsibility to ensure all electrical equipment is completely weather protected and meets all of the regulatory requirements.
    • Always provide adequate access for servicing the support equipment.
    • Decking should be constructed to allow repair access around the entire hot tub.
    • In remote equipment or no-cabinet installations, you may add extra insulation, but the equipment area must have adequate cross-flow ventilation.
  5. Installation of a safety grab rail or reachable support for use when entering or exiting the hot tub is recommended.
  6. A nearby garden hose connection is recommended for filling and “topping up” the hot tub.


The hot tub equipment and all electrical plugs, outlets and lights within 1.5m (5ft) of the hot tub must be G.F.C.I protected. Consult your electrician or local electrical authority for further details.

Access to the hot tub must always be secured:

Outdoors - in accordance with local property by-laws and/or via an approved fence with a self-closing gate and a safety hardcover;

Indoors - by a lockable door and a safety hardcover.

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Your Hydropool hot tub can be installed indoors or out, on the ground, in the ground or half-and-half. The following information will assist you in choosing the right location for your individual needs. When making your decision, always remember that hot tubs can be enjoyed year-round, indoors or out, regardless of the climate. Many Hydropool owners report that their favourite time to use a hot tub is in the cooler fall and winter months, while others praise the enjoyment of using their hot tub in the warmer spring and summer months.


If members of your family are not cold weather enthusiasts, or if your backyard or patio area is not suitable for a hot tub installation, then an indoor location for your hot tub may be your best or only choice. You may wish to create an exercise/hot tub area in your home, or install your hot tub in a glass solarium or four-season room adjoining your home. Indoor installations not only add a unique look and appeal to your home, they provide the privacy and controlled climate to ensure that use and enjoyment of your hot tub is maximized.

  • It is beneficial to have the hot tub room located near wash room and shower facilities
  • The hot tub room should have a floor drain to handle splash water, a window, outside exhaust fan or humidistat controlled exhaust fan for ventilation and a humidifier.
  • Consider plumbing a water tap and drain location nearby to facilitate draining and top-up
  • Always provide adequate ventilation for the support equipment
  • Consult your local Hydropool retailer for further information


For those who choose an outdoor location, hot tub operating temperatures can be adjusted to match the season. In colder months, many owners will operate their hot tub in the range of 38-40°C (100 -104°F).

During warmer months, an operating temperature of 36-37°C (97-99°F) will provide a refreshing retreat.

  • Contact your local building code department to determine if a building permit is necessary and for information on applicable bylaws (distance from property lines, buildings, fencing requirements, etc.)
  • If you are doing any excavating, contact your local gas, electric, and cable-company to ensure that there are no underground lines
  • Locate the hot tub, where practical, within close distance of a door to the house to maximize potential winter use.
  • Ensure that all hot tub support equipment is easily accessible and protected from the elements
  • When your HYDROPOOL hot tub is equipped with a factory-installed cabinet, and installed as per the guidelines of this manual, the equipment will be adequately protected. If the hot tub is shipped without a cabinet, your custom cabinet or other structure must be designed to supply protection for the hot tub support equipment from rain, snow, splash water, etc., but still designed in a manner to ensure adequate ventilation.


To be certain your deck can support your spa, you must know the deck's maximum load capacity. Consult a qualified building contractor or structural engineer before you place the spa on an elevated deck or indoors. To find the weight of your spa, its contents and occupants, refer to the Spa Specification chart. This weight per square foot must not exceed the structure’s rated capacity, or serious structural damage could result.

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Where the hot tub is a "stand-alone" above-ground installation to be installed in regions where freeze/thaw conditions may occur, a level patio stone or pre-formed paver type base may be sufficient if there is no abutting deck(s) that could be damaged during potential seasonal movement of the ground. The potential drawback to this type of base is that splash water could eventually de-stabilize the ground under the base, with the resultant shift of the support base causing damage to the hot tub structure.

For best results, we recommend the installation of a level concrete pad:

  • Dig out and level the ground 20-30 cm (8-12 in.) below your desired base level
  • Install 10-15 cm (4-6 in.) of crushed stone
  • install 10-15 cm (4-6 in.) of poured concrete
  • Level the concrete and apply a broom-type finish
  • We recommend that the pad be made 15 cm (6 in.) larger than the hot tub on three sides, and 1 m (3 ft.) larger on the side where the access steps and/or planters will be installed.
  • Hot tub/spa tub must be installed on a level pad

In regions where freeze/thaw occurs, or where there will be custom decking abutting the hot tub we recommend the installation of sono-tubes beneath the pad to prevent shifting.



For units being installed fully or partially in the ground, the type of support will again vary based on whether or not the tub is being installed in an area with freeze/thaw conditions. Hydropool does not recommend back-filling full in-ground or partial in-ground installations.


  • If stepping stones or railroad ties are selected for the spa foundation, they should be placed at the designated leveling areas of your spa to maintain even distribution of the spa weight.
  • It is important to note that soft surfaces, even when steppingstones are used to distribute the weight of the spa as evenly as possible, will still have a tendency to settle unevenly, resulting in an unlevel spa.
  • Remember, placing the spa on grass or dirt may increase the amount of debris which is inadvertently brought into the spa water on the user's feet. If you are purchasing a deck package or a gazebo with your spa, a solid foundation becomes mandatory. Placing them on any surface other than a single level pad could create problems with their installation. Pictured at right are a few of the recommended surfaces. As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to provide a suitable, level foundation for your spa. Keep in mind that most delivery crews are not equipped to level and prepare spa sites. If you are interested in having a concrete slab, brick surface, or wood deck installed, your Hydropool dealer should be able to suggest a qualified, licensed contractor.

NOTE: In order for the spa to operate properly and the internal plumbing to drain completely, you must ensure that the spa is leveled after it has been installed. The diagrams on the following pages indicate the recommended shimming points on your spa's base support system. Your Hydropool Hot Tub delivery crew can help you perform the procedure


The equipment must be located in an area where it will remain serviceable, dry and will not be exposed to rain, snow or ground water. The standard Hydropool hot tub has the equipment installed inside the protective cabinet. When your hot tub is to be installed above-ground, the cabinet is designed for both protection and accessibility.


First, locate the dimensions of your spa on the following chart. The dimensions shown are the measurements of the spa in the vertical position, laid on its side. Next, contact your dealer to find the height and width added by the delivery cart which the dealer will use to deliver your new spa. Use the height of the cart plus the dimension shown as H to determine the vertical clearance required to pass the spa and cart.

Use the width of the cart, or dimension W, whichever is greater, to determine the maximum width of clearance necessary.

NOTE: It may be necessary to allow for additional over-head clearance if the spa will be rolled up or down an incline or moved up or down a short flight of stairs.

Use the information below to determine the requirements for access to your desired location. It may be necessary to remove a gate, part of a fence, or other movable obstructions in order to roll the spa to its installation site. About ten percent of the time, a crane is the only way to install the spa by lifting it to its final destination. If the spa has to be taken off of the cart to go over a wall (either because the entry area is too narrow, the eaves are too low, the corner is too tight, or the stairway is too steep), a crane will be required. Don’t be alarmed! The crane has a truck-mounted boom which can fit right in your driveway. It is run by a licensed and insured operator. For a charge, the crane operator will lift your spa over walls, buildings, or any other obstruction and place it as close to the installation site as possible. The Hydropool Hot Tubs spa delivery personnel will supervise the crane delivery and complete the spa installation. Crane delivery typically takes an average of 30 minutes to complete.

NOTE: If your spa delivery requires the use of a crane, you may be required to pay for its services at the completion of the delivery

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All Hydropool hot tubs are shipped with a protective combination layer of foam wrap, cardboard and plastic film. Each hot tub is factory strapped onto a wood skid. If your hot tub is to be delivered by your local dealer, it will generally arrive on a flat bed truck or low profile trailer. Most dealers are equipped with the necessary equipment to maneuver the hot tub from the truck to the dolly or cart that will be used to move your hot tub to the installation location.

Should your hot tub arrive in a common closed box trailer, it may be necessary to arrange with a local towing company for a tilt and load tow truck, with a pulley winch system, to pull the skid from the larger trailer to the lower profile tow truck flat bed. The hot tub can be gently slid off the low profile trailer and positioned on its side on a cart or dolly on its back side only.

Most Hydropool models require a clearance width of at least 100 cm. (39 in.) to allow movement of the unit on its side through alley-ways, fence openings, etc. Where this is not possible, the use of a crane to lift the hot tub from the truck or trailer over the house to the patio or yard is often a simple and economical option.


  • Do not move or place the hot tub on the side where the equipment is located as damage could occur
  • Never roll or flip the hot tub end over end as the cabinet could be damaged
  • Never lift or handle the hot tub by the plumbing
  • Make sure that there is sufficient assistance to gently slide the hot tub off the dolly or cart to the support base without any damage

Important Note: Damage caused during transportation or by improper handling is not covered by the factory warranty.



  2. Electrical installation must be completed by a qualified electrician in accordance with all National, Regional and Local Codes and Regulations in effect at the time of installation.
  3. Connect only to a dedicated circuit protected by a class ‘A’ two-pole ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI)
  4. Use copper conductors only!
  5. The hot tub equipment and all electrical plugs, outlets and lights within 1.5m (5ft) of the unit must be G.F.C.I protected. Consult your electrician or local electrical authority for further details.
  6. A green colored terminal or a terminal marked “G”, “GR”, “Ground”, or “Grounding” is located inside the supply terminal box or compartment. To reduce the risk of electric shock, this terminal must be connected to the grounding means provided in the electric supply service panel with a continuous copper wire equivalent in size to the circuit conductors supplying the equipment.
  7. At least two lugs marked “BONDING LUGS” are provided on the external surface or on the inside of the supply terminal box or compartment. To reduce the risk of electric shock, connect the local common bonding grid in the area of the hot tub to these terminals with an insulated or bare copper conductor not smaller than No.6 AWG (Canada/Europe) / No.8 AWG (USA).
  8. All field installed metal components such as rails, ladders, drains or other similar hardware within 3 m (10 ft) of the hot tub shall be bonded to the equipment grounding bus with copper conductors not smaller than No.6 AWG.


This guide is for standard installations where the wire run is 15 m (50 ft.) or less. For longer wire runs, consult a qualified electrician.

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Gold Series 40A
Platinum Series 50A
Luxury 60 Jet and Luxury 80 Jet Series 60A


Gold Series/Platinum Series 20A
Luxury 60 Jet and Luxury 80 Jet Series 40A

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  • The minimum wire size for systems that require a 40A GFCI is # 8/3 c/w ground (also referred to as # 8 gauge / 4 conductor).
  • The minimum wire size for systems that require a 50A GFCI is # 8/3 c/w ground (also referred to as # 8 gauge / 4 conductor).
  • The minimum wire size for systems that require a 60A GFCI is # 6/3 c/w ground (also referred to as # 6 gauge / 4 conductor).


Standards for amperage breakers may vary from country to country in the CE controlled area. Please consult your local installer for advice on breaker level and wire specifications. Some examples are below:

  • Breaker of 13A –wire must be 1.5 mm2
  • Breaker of 16A—wire must be 2.5 mm2
  • Breaker of 20A—wire must be 4.0 mm2
  • Breaker of 32A—wire must be 6.0 mm2

NOTE: Please consult your applicable electrical codes related to the size of conductors as they may vary from what is stated above. Take into consideration the length of cable as well and increase as required. Hydropool highly recommends the use of a new Siemens GFCI breaker for all of its products. Other GFCI’s and older Siemen’s GFCI’s may have tripping issues.



Hot Tub GFCI



Hot Tub GFCI


Hot Tub GFCI


Hot Tub GFCI

Important Note: Installation of the R.C.D. - Circuit Breaker, including ampere sizing and selection of conductor size and type, must be performed by a qualified electrician in accordance with National, Regional and Local Codes and Regulations in effect at the time of installation.

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Lexique des termes de l'industrie du spa



A liquid (muriatic acid) or dry granular (sodium bisulfate) substance used to balance water pH levels or to lower total alkalinity levels.

A durable, non-porous synthetic material used to form hot tub shell surfaces.

Active Oxygen
A powerful oxidizer derived from water, created when energy transferred into the water breaks apart water molecules. Active Oxygen completely breaks down waste and contaminants, leaving behind carbon dioxide and water. It does not leave behind chloramines or other byproducts that can cause hot tub water to be irritating to the skin and eyes, or to cause a strong odor.

Any water treatment product designed to kill algae.

Alkalis are substances with a pH greater than 7 that dissolve in water. They are the opposite of acids. Alkalinity refers to the amount of carbonates and bicarbonates in water, measured in parts per million (ppm). Total alkalinity is one of the components of balanced water.

Ambient Temperature
Temperature of the immediate surrounding area.

Air Therapy
A massage adapted to who you are to help you relax, soothe your aching muscles or re-energize you if you’re feeling worn out. In a Air Therapy system you will be completely surrounded by air jets.

Aroma Therapy
is a form of alternative medicine that uses volatile plant materials, known as essential oils, and other aromatic compounds for the purpose of altering a person's mind, mood, cognitive function or health.

Arctic Spas
Blue Falls Manufacturing Limited, the manufacturer of Arctic Spa, Coyote Spa, Apollo Spa, Arctic Gazebos and Guild Billiards. Arctic Spas® was founded in 1994

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Balanced Filtration
In a Hot Spring spa, the effective filtration area of the filters is matched to the gallon per minute flow rate of jet pumps to ensure there is enough filtration area to filter all of the spa water, even when the jet pumps are on.

Balanced Water
The desirable level of chemical composition in hot tub water. Key components of water balance are pH level, total alkalinity, calcium hardness and temperature.

Alkaline chemicals that counteract acid to achieve a neutral pH levelof 7.

A non-halogen sanitizer used for spa water.

A non-metallic element that is liquid at room temperature and soluble in water. Bromine is a halogen that bonds easily with other elements, has a strong bleaching action and is resistant to hot water with rapid pH fluctuations. Like chlorine, it is often used in spa water maintenance.

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The exterior surface of the spa.

An alkaline metallic element.

Calcium Carbonate
Also known as scale, this is a crystalline deposit that can form on spa water surfaces, equipment or pipes if water is not properly balanced.

Calcium Hardness
A measurement of the dissolved calcium content of the spa water. Can be tested by various methods and is reported as PPM of calcium carbonate. Higher levels can lead to scaling or cloudy water problems and may require chemical treatment.

Cartridge Filter
Used to trap debris before it reaches spa water. Filters should be cleaned or replaced regularly.

Chelating Agent
A chemical additive used to bind metals in water, prevent metal staining and water discoloration.

Foul smelling compounds in spa water formed by the combination of chlorine molecules, nitrogen and ammonia. The water must be shocked to get rid of them.

A member of the halogen family of sanitizers, used in spa water maintenance. When added to water, chlorine acts as an oxidizer, sanitizer, disinfectant, and all-around biocidal agent.

Circuit Breaker
A switch that allows you to manually override an electrical circuit. This enhanced safety device automatically breaks the circuit when it detects harmful fluctuations in the electrical current.

Circulation Pump
Separate from the jet pump, this low amp pump pulls water from the spa and pushes it through filters before returning it to the spa.

Circulation System
The plumbing circuit that continuously moves water out of the spa and through pumps and filters before returning it to the spa. Circulation is a critical component in maintaining spa water balance.

A chemical used to bind suspended particles that cloud spa water. Similar to a flocculent.

Control Panel
Accessible from the inside or outside of the spa, the control panel allows you to adjust your spa’s settings such as temperature, jets and lighting.

Control System
The technology that determines how your spa operates.

A metallic element used in spa water treatment products as an algaecide.

Copper Sulfate
Similar to aluminum sulfate, used to bind and coagulate particles in spa water.

The effects of an overly acidic water environment where alkalinity is too low. Corrosion can etch, pit or erode surfaces.

Cover Lifter
A cover removal system eliminates the need to drag off and pull on the spa cover before and after using your spa. It makes entry to your spa simple and helps prevent unnecessary damage to your spa’s cover.

Process in which acrylic sheet is bonded to an impact resistant ABS backing, ensuring consistent strength throughout the shell.

Chromotherapy, sometimes called color therapy, colorology or cromatherapy, is a complementary medicine method. Trained chromotherapists claim to be able to use light in the form of color to balance "energy" wherever a person's body be lacking, whether it be on physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental levels. Color therapy is unrelated to light therapy, a scientifically-proven form of medical treatment for seasonal affective disorder and a small number of other conditions, and photobiology, the scientific study of the effects of light on living organisms.

Custom Cabinet
An exterior spa surface that can be customized with any material to blend with your outdoor environment.

Cyanuric Acid
Also called CYA, this is a stabilizing chemical used as a water conditioner to extend the efficacy of chlorine additives.

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Any chemical or process that helps destroy harmful micro-organisms and other contaminants. Chlorine, bromine and sliver algaecides are examples of disinfectants.

Diverter Valve
A valve that can be adjusted to control the flow of water from the spa jets.

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Effective Filtration Area
the total area, usually defined in square footage, of the filter cartridge(s) capable of filtering water.

A process that separates chemically bonded elements and compounds by running an electric current through them.

Natural compounds used in spa water treatments to break down and digest oily substances, such as sunscreen, that can enter the water.

Scientifically designed for greater user efficiency, comfort and safety.

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Fiberglass is a lightweight, extremely strong, and robust material. Although strength properties are somewhat lower than carbon fiber and it is less stiff, the material is typically far less brittle, and the raw materials are much less expensive. Its bulk strength and weight properties are also very favorable when compared to metals, and it can be easily formed using molding processes.

A device used to remove solid particles from spa water by pumping it through a porous medium such as polyester fiber.

Filtration Area
(see Effective Filtration Area)

Filtration Cycle
In spas that do not utilize an independent circulation pump to ensure continuous filtration, this is a regularly occurring interval in which the jet pump automatically turns on to circulate the spa water.[KC2]

Filtration Rate
The rate at which spa water is pumped through a filter, typically measured in gallons per minute (GPM).

Chemical such as alum used to combine suspended alkaline material into a heavy gel that sinks to the spa floor where it can be vacuumed. Similar to a coagulant.

Flow Rate
The amount of water that flows past a specific point during a specific period of time, typically measured in gallons per minute (gpm).

A term used to describe surface foam on your spa, it is caused by high levels of total dissolved solids (TDS) in the water combined with soft water and oils. Enzymes are typically used to control foam.

Foam Insulation
See also Polyurethane Foam or Urethane Foam. A polymer-based material that is typically sprayed to the underside of a hot tub shell to help retard the loss of heat escaping through the shell.

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Grounded Fault Circuit Interrupters are required by the National Electrical Code in home electrical wiring for receptacle outlets installed for use with hot tubs, etc.

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Any of the four elements fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine that are often used in spa water care.

Hard Water
Water that is high in dissolved minerals, specifically calcium, magnesium, or other salts that can corrode hot tub components and feel harsh to the skin.

The opposite of an air conditioner, a heat pump removes heat from the surrounding air through the use of cooling coils, then runs the air through condenser coils and transfers it as heat to the spa water.

Heater Elements
The components inside the heater housing that create and transfer heat to the water.

Heater Housing
Watertight unit that facilitates movement of water through and by the heater elements.

Short for horsepower, a non-metric measurement unit of power, typically associated with a mechanical device or engine. 1 unit of horsepower is equal to 745.7 watts.

Horsepower, Continuous Duty
The maximum horsepower a motor can produce continuously.

Horsepower, Breakdown Torque
The maximum torque a motor can produce without abruptly losing motor speed.

Hot Springs Spas
Hot Spring Spas is part of a company, Masco Corporation, whose quality products include Delta® faucets, KraftMaid® cabinets and Behr® paints.

Warm, moist air that can cause mold and mildew when present in excess amounts and combined with a lack of air circulation.

Hydrogen Peroxide
A non-chloride oxidizer and sanitizer used in biguanide systems. Can be used to shock spa water

Massage using pressurized water.

involves the use of water for pain relief and treatment. The term encompasses a broad range of approaches and therapeutic methods that take advantage of the physical properties of water, such as temperature and pressure, for therapeutic purposes, to stimulate blood circulation and treat the symptoms of certain diseases.

A family of liquid and granular chlorine compounds which release hypochlorous acid, a sanitizing agent, when they come in contact with water.

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Part of a pump which rotates to provide centrifugal force for propelling the water in a recirculation system such as a hot tub or pool.

IS0 9001
A quality management system designed to help organizations ensure they meet the needs of their customers and other stakeholders. It is considered the highest international standard for design and manufacturing excellence.

An atom or molecule that possesses an electrical charge.

A devise that generates copper, zinc and/or silver ions to kill bacteria and algae.

A metallic element that can be introduced to spa water through plumbing or well water. It can stain surfaces or turn water a clear green.

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Jacuzzi branded hot tubs, baths, showers, toilets, sinks, and accessories are commonly found in residential homes, hotels. Jacuzzi products are distributed in about 60 countries worldwide.

An outlet, such as a nozzle, used for emitting a high velocity stream of water. Jets affect the direction, volume and velocity of water flow.

Jet Pump
Used to provide thrust to spa jets.

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A unit of power equal to 1000 watts.

Kilowatt Hour
A unit of work energy which equals the energy expended by 1 kilowatt in 1 hour.

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A process for layering and bonding different materials together to achieve greater strength, lower heat transfer and better sound absorption.

Langelier Index
A system for determining water balance by assigning values to pH levels, total alkalinity, calcium hardness and water temperature. When all values are balanced, water will not be corrosive or scaling. Also known as the Saturation Index.

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A metallic element which can cause spa staining and scaling when present in high non-chelated concentrations.

a chamber or pipe with a number of inlets or outlets used to collect or distribute a fluid.

Natural substances such as calcium, copper, silver, iron and aluminum which can cause spa staining and scaling when present in high non-chelated concentrations.

Microscopic animal life that can be harmless, beneficial or harmful. Harmful micro-organisms can be removed from spa water with disinfectants such as chlorine, bromine and silver algaecides.

Muriatic Acid
A diluted, liquid form of hydrochloric acid used to lower pH and alkalinity and to remove mineral stains and scale. Extremely caustic and corrosive.

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When combined with chlorine, nitrogen creates undesirable chloramines in spa water, and is often introduced from sunscreen and perspiration.

No-Bypass Filtration
A balanced filtration system that ensures all spa water passes through the filter before it re-enters your spa even when jets are on.

Non-Chlorine Shock
A granular form of potassium monopersulfate used to oxidize micro-organisms, chloramines and other contaminants.

NSF International
A leader in public health safety, they have been helping people Swim Safer™ by meeting the needs of public health inspectors, product manufacturers, aquatic facility managers, facility users, and homeowners through a vast array of testing and certification services.

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A shocking compound that removes or destroys built-up contaminants, chloramines and organic waste in spa water.

A colorless gas (O3) soluble in alkalis and cold water. Its strong oxidizing capabilities make it a powerful organic oxidizer. It can be produced with UV radiation, corona discharge (an electric discharge caused by the ionization of water surrounding a conductor, which occurs when the strength of an electrical field exceeds a certain value but is not great enough to cause a complete electrical breakdown), or by a chemical reaction.

Ozone System
A water care system that continuously injects millions of tiny, highly concentrated ozone bubbles into the water
neutralizing contaminants on contact.

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A naturally occurring or synthetic compound consisting of large molecules made up of a linked series of repeated simple monomers. The type of polymer plastic material used in Hot Spring Spas Polymer Steps and ABS plastic substructure, is durable, weatherable, and long lasting.

The relative acidity or alkalinity of water, expressed in a numeric scale from 0-14, with low pH ranging from 0-6 (acidic), high pH ranging from 8-14 (alkaline), and 7 representing a neutral and desirable pH.

Polyurethane Foam
See also Foam Insulation or Urethane Foam. An insulating plastic material used to reinforce the shell of a spa for added support and to retard heat loss.

Poly Ester Resin
Polyester resins are unsaturated resins formed by the reaction of dibasic organic acids and polyhydric alcohols. Polyester resins are used in sheet moulding compound, bulk moulding compound and the toner of laser printers. Wall panels fabricated from polyester resins reinforced with fiberglass — so-called fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) — are typically used in restaurants, kitchens and hot tubs

Short for Parts Per Million, this unit of measurement is used to express the concentration of chemicals in water.

Short for polyvinylchloride, PVC is a plastic used for plumbing pipes.

To cause a solid substance to be separated from a solution, as the result of a chemical action. Precipitates forced out of water will settle, stain, scale or remain suspended in water.

Part of the spa’s circulation system, a pump is a mechanical device, powered by an electric motor, which makes water flow under pressure.

Pump Shroud
Patented by Hot Spring, a pump shroud vents heat from the equipment compartment and transfers the heat back into the water, decreasing energy consumption. This also creates a cooler working environment for the motors and electronic components, contributing to a longer life for your Hot Spring Spa.

Pump Strainer Basket
A removal basket on the suction side of a pump used to trap large debris such as leaves and prevent them from restricting water flow to the pump.

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Quaternary Ammonium
Organic compounds of ammonia (Quats or QAC) sometimes used as an algaecide.

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Chemical indicator used to test water balance.

The free available chlorine level that remain in a spa after initial treatment for contaminants.

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Salt Water Bromine System
bromine generator system electronically creates bromine via an electrolytic process thus eliminating the need for conventional bromine tablets and the support ancillary chemicals they necessitate.

A product used to kill bacteria or other micro-organisms in spa water. EPA recognized sanitizers approved for spas are chlorine, bromine, and biguanide.

A hard deposit of calcium carbonate that can attach to spa surfaces and equipment. Scale can damage heater effectiveness. Usually whitish in color, scale is the result of out of balance pH or alkalinity levels.

Sequestering Agent
A chemical that bonds with metals to deter staining or discoloration. Similar to chelators.

The interior surface of the spa that holds both the water and the bathers.

The act of bringing spa sanitizer level up high enough to reach breakpoint chlorination, eliminate chloramines and achieve water purification.

Silver Ions
Silver ion technology can be used to sanitize water, allowing the use of less chlorine. Silver ions disinfect water so that micro-organisms like bacteria cannot cause disease.

Seating Capacity
The total number of designated seats.

Part of the suction side of a spa’s circulation system. A surface skimmer can help remove debris from the water’s surface.

Soft Water
Water that has a naturally or chemically-generated low calcium and/or magnesium content. Soft water can leave skin feeling silky.

Spa Pack
An integrated unit consisting of electronic or mechanical controls, which may include a water pump, GFCI and other devices

Stainless Steel
A material that resists staining caused by minerals and is impervious to rust.

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a strong, lustrous, corrosion-resistant metal with a silver color.

Short for Total Dissolved Solids, TDS is a unit of measurement for anything that can dissolve in water and be present in solution. High levels of TDS can over-saturate spa water and cause undesirable reactions and can ultimately result in the need to drain and refill the hot tub.

Test Kit
A range of products used to periodically test spa water for balance and sanitizing levels.

Test Strips
Paper strips used to measure spa water pH and other chemical balances.

Tetra Borate Compounds
Borate can be used in combination with sanitizers (chlorine, bromine and biguanide) to inhibit algae development. The combination of chlorine and borate may reduce chlorine consumption. In addition to suppressing algae growth, borate improves water clarity, reduces eye and skin irritation, and makes the water feel softer.

A chemical compound used as an industrial disinfectant and bleaching agent, usually sold in tablets or granular form and responsible for the strong chlorine odor often found in spas.

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Urethane Foam
See also Polyurethane Foam and Foam Insulation. An insulating plastic material used to reinforce the shell of a spa for added support and to retard heat loss.

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Devices placed on plumbing lines to direct, restrict or obstruct water flow such as the diverter valves used with spa jets.

Vacuum Ultra Violet (VUV)
The light frequency in which ozonators operate

A tube with a tapering constriction in the middle that causes an increase in the velocity of flow of a fluid and a corresponding decrease in fluid pressure. In spas, Venturi fittings with side drafts are sometimes used to introduce air into jet features, and to pull ozone from Ozonators into the spa water.

Vinyl Ester Resin
Vinylester resins utilize a polyester resin type of cross-linking molecules in the bonding process. Vinylester is a hybrid form of polyester resin which has been toughened with epoxy molecules within the main moleculer structure. Vinyester resins offer better resistance to moisture absorption than polyester resin.

A pump housing containing an impeller and a diffuser.

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Water Capacity
The total number of gallons of water your spa can contain.

A pivoting flap, door or dam in a skimmer that prevents debris from re-entering spa water while allowing water to recycle through the filtration system.

A derived unit of electrical power. Amps x Volts = Watts.

The procedure of preparing spas for freezing weather, in cold climates when the spa will not be operated. May include draining and cleaning the shell, and opening connections to release water from plumbing and heaters. Most people continue to heat and operate their spas in winter; for them, winterizing is not necessary if appropriate measures are taken to prevent freeze-up. Spa Winterizing info

Working Pressure
A specification of maximum operating pressure, as recommended by an equipment manufacturer.

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A series of rotationally-molded hot tub models

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Yellow Algae
A variety that clings to pool walls, also known as mustard algae. Typically found in shady areas. Very resistant to normal levels of chlorine.

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The brand name of a very effective oil scum absorbing product. Wicks scum without absorbing spa water


Le siège social de Hydropool est à Mississauga, Ontario. Hydropool inc. était au début une compagnie de piscines commerciales et est devenue en 1978 un des premiers détaillants de spas en Amérique du Nord. Nos produits sont maintenant vendus à travers un réseau de plus de 250 détaillants dans plus de 60 pays.

Service client 1-800-465-2933

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